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I had a dream a couple of nights ago to do with my ex. As far as I remember, it has been the first I've had about him in several months. I can't remember all of it, but in the dream I had received a letter from him, it was a birthday card I think, and I specifically remember and taking notice in the dream that the card was coloured blue. Also it was hand made, it didn't appear to be like a bought card. In the dream I was a little sentimental while looking through the card. I don't remember any details of any writing inside.


I had him more on my mind that night as opposed to others. I just am not sure about that dream. My birthday was about a month ago, so if I had had it in the week it probably would've been brushed aside but it was a bit of a strange feeling. Also I never received any communication from him in true life at the time.


I just wanted to share this in this section. Maybe just writing it/reading it myself can even give me some message or idea. I know most people probably just conclude dreams as daily thoughts organizing themselves but I just see some as more mystical.

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Sometimes dreams are your mind working through events in your life and sometimes they're wishful thinking and other times they're just really out there. I hate dreaming and will stay awake until I pass out from exhaustion to keep from dreaming.


The dream I had last night was about some girl leaving her high school and a man and woman attacking her with a zacto knife. She was stabbed by the man in her leg and ran away, a guy tried to help her. He was killed, then a nurse tried to help her and she was killed by the woman who was helping the man with the zacto knife. The man caught up with the girl and stabbed her in her right lung, she tried to scream and no sound came out then I woke up.


The only thing I watched last night was the season premiere of sleepy hollow and I read the saul chapters of the bible. I have dreamt about the bombing in Boston, woke up and read about it in the news afterwards. The bomb dream was after I prayed and asked God to make me a instrument of my life for him.


I hate these dreams! What am I supposed to do with them? It makes me wonder if God sends these dreams to show me, he doesn't want me.

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