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Dating and mental health

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Since my childhood I have suffered from anxiety and depression. My kids father left me a few weeks ago because of reasons unrelated to this issue and lately I have been wondering how do you go about dating while having these issues. Although I am not ready for a relationship anytime soon I just really wonder would this be a setback for me. My ex did not understand whatsoever about the daily struggles that I faced mentally and that is one of the reasons that I stayed with him for so long because I felt that he was the only man that would ever accept me. I know there are plenty of men out there that may have these same issues but are afraid to disclose this information because of fear of how they might be judged. Which I truly understand because I hear men call women crazy all the time. So that alone would make anyone afraid to reveal who they truly are.

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I wouldn't worry too much about men saying that, terms like crazy are used in such a throw away manner these days. Depression is so common that traces of prozac have been found in tap water! And actually mental illness is more common among males anyway. I wouldn't let your fears prevent you from getting yourself out there and getting to know new people and perhaps in time you feel comfortable enough to discuss all of this with a new partner. Also I think one of the most difficult things with mental illness is that very often the person suffering is the last one to recognise they have a problem...this is not your case, you are self-aware and probably looking after yourself well. No one is perfect and no one decent will be put off by these things. All the best:)

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