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Your thoughts on seltzer water

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There is absolutely not way for me to drink water alone. Of course I've done it in the past under extreme circumstances, however, I always need a beverage with some sort of flavor. The next best drink I can come up with is iced tea but lately I've been wanting to cut down on sugar. And that leaves me to drinking seltzer water. Is it just me but after drinking it I feel as if it leaves me bloated for days. I honestly feel so heavy all around but do enjoy the fizz of it while drinking.

So how do you guys feel about it?

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OP, the bloating you're experiencing may be from the carbonation (carbon dioxide gas) infused into the product. This type of reaction is why I don't drink carbonated drinks of any sort. Some people are not bothered by it.


Myself, if not drinking plain well water, which does have a taste to it (peculiar to my well, as each is different), I tend to drink tonic water, which is a little lighter on carbonation and doesn't bother me, if I drink a carbonated drink. Otherwise, I'll take some water and put a twist of lemon or lime in or, lately, simply a few drops of concentrated lime juice. What I've been doing during this hot summer here (drink lots of fluids) is make up a bunch of water bottles with the juice added and keep them cold in the refer to grab when coming in from outside/in the shop.


I've noticed, as I've grown older, I drink more water and tend to not be interested in other kinds of drinks. I used to make sun tea by the gallons but the jar has been sitting in the cupboard for a couple years now. No interest. Even coffee has largely gone by the wayside, just a couple times a week anymore.


If you don't want to make your own 'flavored water', they sell it now in a variety of flavors, both just flavored and also fortified with vitamins/minerals.


If this is a joke thread, please ignore!

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I find water boring so I make lots of different herbal teas. I stock up on Celestial Seasonings when it's on sale. Lots of different flavors so I don't need to add sugar. I also drink lots of green tea, but it's an acquired taste. Very good for you.

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Add lemon to your water.

Cucumber also works but personally I prefer lemon.

Lemon can eat away at the enamel of your teeth if you drink or eat too much. The cucumber sounds good and reminds me of a very refreshing but not very sweet drink I had at a museum. Cucumber and mint. Hmmm, I have cuke but I don't remember if I tossed out the fresh mint. Hope not!

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Lemon can eat away at the enamel of your teeth if you drink or eat too much. The cucumber sounds good and reminds me of a very refreshing but not very sweet drink I had at a museum. Cucumber and mint. Hmmm, I have cuke but I don't remember if I tossed out the fresh mint. Hope not!


I did not know that...is it worse than adding powder filled with artificial sweeteners to your water?


Either way - I'm fine with drinking just water...


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Try unsweetend iced tea. My ex got me turned onto a brand called Tejava and I really like it. It took me a while to adjust to the lack of sugar, after a couple of glasses it was good.


Right now my favorite drink is the Sparkling Ice brand of carbonated flavored waters. Some of them are very good.


No calories, sugar, fat, caffeine or carbs. The sweetener is sucralose, so I don't know if that's good or bad.

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