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How do I get rid of stretchmarks?

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As I bodybuilder myself, I unfortunately have my share of stretch marks too. My clients also ask me this question pretty often.

Here are the basics:

you will never "get rid of them" , however you can use vit E and some loations to help reduce their visibility. Once the damage has been done to the skin, that's prtty much it. They will fade over time too, helping to reduce their visibility. Lastly they become less visible once the given area has returned to it's original size.


If some ladies that have had children are aware of any tricks, I too would be glad to hear them, so would many fellow fitness buffs I know:)

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cocoa butter, or shea butter. i get them a bit in summer for bikini season. just rub your entire body every day with some manner of butter; this will at least help prevent any new ones. the body shop has some great stuff. i've also occasionally used baby oil and honey, both are pretty good (and cheap) for keeping moist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being physically fit and 21..... but with these ugly horrid marks on my skin makes me feel pretty ashamed of them. My girlfriend says they are fine but they make me self aware of them.


I got them over the past two years, only recently have them become noticable.



I've been rubbing baby oil on them but I'd like to reduce the redness of the marks as much as possible.

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  • 2 months later...


I am 26 and have 2 children. I did not get ANY stretchmarks with my first, but I got some on my abdomen with my second. They are basically around my belly button and below. They have made me very self concious and I have looked everywhere for ways to make them look better. They looked really bad after I had the baby and for some time after. I came accross a site that suggested that you use apricot scrub made by St. Ives, pure aloe vera and then use something to massage or exfoliate the area. I did this in the shower for about 5 min. and then after you put a cream containing lanolin or one of those wrinkle creams that have collagen in them and vitamin E on the area. This helped tremendously. You can barely see the marks at all now and I am very pleased. Obviously they will never go away completely, but it helped.

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Hey all. Im only 17 and I have some on my 'hip' area too. :( Im a cheerleader....so I take it they may be from...hmm 'stretching'! lol I dunno, maybe from just growin. They don't bother me that much right now. :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
:mad: ArgH!!! I started getting them when I was 11 when I only wieghed 99 lbs. It started out like I got a couple on each side of my thigh you know just alittle not too bad you know I wondered why I got them but it didn't bother me that much then like 6 months later I got more on the back of my knee now that really bothered me and then I got them on my inner thighs my hips and now i'm getting them like up the back of my leg like above my knee and I havn't gained any wieghed or lost. I wiegh 153 and thats how much I've wieghed for about 2 yrs now Gosh and like they all fade like where you can barely see them then like more will pop up in the same place ugly purple and pink and I've tried creams and stuff but they don't really help well I don't reconize any results. It really bothers me that I can't go swimming or nothing cause I'm ashamed of them like I lay in a tannin bed now soo that helps a whole lot for the purple and pink ones on the back of my knee theyre not noticable anymore but like my inner and outer thighs and my hips bothers me I have a boyfriend now well I've been with him for 1 yr and 3 months and were supposed to get married in about 6 months from now and he's never seen them cause I won't sleep with him til I'm married well we mess around and stuff but its alwayz dark where he can't see I'm just scared how hell react to it I just wish there was some way I could get rid of them I hate them soo much and I don't understand why I keep getting them on my leg cuz my leg is the same size it was when I was 11 I've alwayz had little legs u know I can understand about my hips and thighs but I don't about my legs and why I'm getting more now like there are 2 big new ones on there now and I don't get it. Well PLZZZ somebody HELP ME!!!!
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Best bet is to speak to a dermatologist. There are new medical treatments coming out all the time.


Is there anybody else who does NOT have them? I don't have a single one. Am I wierd or something?

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You can try and prevent strchmarks from happening by using cocoa butter and vitamin e, but once you have them you CANNOT get rid of them


Learn to love them :) It may sound hard but I haven't met one human being who hasn't got them :)

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Well, I bet no one can say they have stretchmarks on their bum like I do. I was admiring the mess that was going on on my rear and its like holy stretchmark city. What a mess. I also have stretchmarks on my upper thighs and of course the mess on my bum area.


I am so afraid of if I ever date what a guy would think of when he sees the mess going on on my bum area. What do guys think of stretchmarks?

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Originally posted by longlegzs80

Well, I bet no one can say they have stretchmarks on their bum like I do.

haha bring it on :)


My butt is totally covered in them from the hips all the way around the butt area to the inner thighs :)


My man looks past the stretchmarks though and thinks I have a sexy butt. I am not a fan of them and think it makes me look ugly, but he seems to enjoy my body, with or without stretchmarks. From past experience, real men don't even notice stretchmarks and notice the perfection in your body, immature boys pick on imperfections to make themselves feel better :)

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  • 2 months later...

haha. dont feel that bad about your stretch marks little one.

I am 17 and my body looks like it has been though having 30 babies.

and about that the most strect marks on the bum. I for sure won. The isnt one nice smooth piece of skin of my bum that doest have a stretch mark alreayd on it. I have stretch marks covering half my body.I too want to know how to get rid of them. And I also wish I didnt have any on my body. well I hope my little story made someone feel a little bit better about there one or two strect marks.

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Originally posted by longlegzs80

What do guys think of stretchmarks?


Would you like them on a guy? Nobody would prefer to have their SO WITH stretchmarks. However if a guy looses interest in you because of them, he's probably superficial and not the type of man you want to be with anyway. If the rest of your body looks good, the stretchmarks will be overlooked.

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Nobody would prefer to have their SO WITH stretchmarks.


I disagree. I am absolutely positive someone out there has a stretchmark fetish.



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Well, it seems as though most people have some sort of scar or stretch mark(s) that they would like to get rid of. At least we are not alone. If we eventually think of them as normal marks on the skin, it won't be such a big deal.



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I have stretch marks on my inner, upper arms. This was from going from 125 lbs to nearly 300 lbs. in just over one year due to psychotropic medication. I then lost, over a period of just about two years, quite a bit of weight and am now 135 lbs. The rapid weight gain, and my finally losing it, probably did not help my stretch mark problem, but I seem to only have them in my upper arm area.


I know that I cannot get rid of them, and they are in fact not very bad. Presently they are just a lighter color than the rest of my skin. I tell people that I simply gained, then lost a lot of weight, which is the truth.

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I gotem to & im a 23 dude.WEll it didnt help puttin on 30 pounds that I was planning on doin for when I start workin out soon.It wasnt the best Idea i think it was just an excuse to be lazy.


I think Ill try the ol vit e & coco butter to.

do you think theyll help reduce the visability of the branding i had sun to my arm?

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i think this is slang i don't know - a branding???

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branding is like tatooing only its a form of scarification by burn.

Its a different form of tattin & bod mod that isnt all to big in the piercing & tat world.

Atleast i dont think it is.

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  • 2 months later...

i was reading the prior statements on this message board about stretchmarks. If there is one thing i can testify to is that when a women becomes pregnant that there is no sure way of preventing stretch marks.


I am 21 yrs, gave birth to twin girls 3 months ago and my stomach is covered with stretchmarks. From the time i knew i was pregnant i used Vitamin E OIl, Raw Cocoa Butter, Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretchmarks and to no avail they didn't prevent the stretch marks from coming (maybe people with a single pregnancy have a chance).


If there is anyone out there that can offer any words of wisdom in helping me battle my war on stretch marks please, PLEASE enlighten me.

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I hate reddish 'fresh' stretchmarks (I have a few on my legs), but I love old ones on my butt, which are a lighter color than the rest of the skin.

I have so many that my butt looks like a tiger's. Cool! :bunny:

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damn moi, you aren't weird but I know you're lucky.


As a guy, I started lifting weights at around 12 and basically overnight had stretchmarks. So I've had stretchmarks since preteen years. And yeah, they don't go away do they :mad::p . Strangely enough, nobody in my family can escape them. Not even my skinny dad or my skinny brother, and by skinny I mean average to middle weight boxer type builds. They have them at that size, how messed up is that? (Dad 5'7" 135lbs, brother 6' 185lbs)


I get them or got them anywhere I started working out...I have them on my freaking quads for chrissakes but at least I have nice huge quads, that seem permanently natural :p . Stretchmarks along my biceps...this gets me, I have them on my calves but I've never had big calves and don't think I ever bulked up enough to have chubby lower legs. Damn my easily stretchmarked soft skin!!! :D


Yeah, take me...my weight right now and I'm shrinking now at 165. Gahhh!!! I'm getting skinny, hehe. But even when I was 200 I had more stretchmarks than someone who was 350lbs.


I think the only way to really neutralize their appearance is the shedding of fat. When your skin looks tighter or shinier against muscle it helps I think. I think you can be preventative and use lotions but only if you do so before they appear, or minimize the chance of new ones. So all the ladies, parents out there who have younger relatives...please please please inform them of this annoying phenomena and have them start using Vit E lotions :p:)

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the things i've heard of that can help=

-mederma for scars

-rose hip oil from chili



I've heard vit E and cocca butter but I don't know about that. I think they're just a preventative. I'm doing a rose hip oil test, I'll get back to y'all.

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