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Phone conversations feel unnatural nowadays

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I was in a lousy mood, probably shouldn't have called my sister, but figured I should anyways since it's been a while.



Talked with the borther in law. Talked about superficial stuff, like my parents, their issues with their laptop, and how he tried to help. Then got transferred to the niece, talked about how MineCraft is going, modes of play, etc. After about what felt like 30s to 2 minutes, of awkward silence... Fumbled for something to say, so I ended up asking for her mother.



At this point, the conversations just felt "artificial", like it was a chore for both me, and even them on the other end (TBF, a family with 2 kids is hectic, but still...). It just seems depressing when carrying a conversation with your own family just doesn't feel natural anymore.



I'm sure it doesn't help that the only contact these days is with my coworkers, who I don't talk with much either, and living in a small, remote town means there aren't much opportunities to meet new folks, but there are probably other issues at heart.



Anybody else get the same feeling?

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Why do you have to talk to EVERYONE? Can't you just speak with your sister, pass your news on, get the family's from her then say your goodbyes?

Next time, speak with your brother... then again the following time, with your niece....


Get yourself a hobby, the results of which are varied but productive...(painting, pottery....) or find a daredevil pastime, like abseiling, rock-climbing, scuba-diving....


MAKE conversation!

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You called, so you largely determine the nature, purpose, and length of the call. If you keep it superficial and perfunctory with discussions of laptop issues and MineCraft, they'll follow your lead.


If you want a deep, meaningful discussion, then you need to take the lead in that. Share something meaningful about yourself, your life, your thoughts, your struggles, etc.

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