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Girlfriends niece pinched my butt at christmas. Should I have told my Girlfriend?

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I was at my then girlfriends Parents Christmas party with her two children, ages 12 and 19. We were staying there for the weekend. While I had met the family I hadn't met the whole family. I was in the living room standing the dinner table and I glanced up saw a girl and did a double take because I hadn't met her yet nor been introduced and I recognized her from family photo's. She's 19 and the same age as my girlfriends daughter and the way she made eye contact with me was kind of like when you're in a bar and a girl notices you. She was across the room and I was a little startled at the awkward moment so I didn't introduce myself.



Well, 30 minutes later I'm still standing at the table with her uncle on one side and her grandpa on the other side and I felt someone pinch my butt. I thought it might be my then girlfriend and looked and it was the niece walking away. I felt awkward and confused, who does that? I chose not to tell my girlfriend because for some reason I thought what if she blames me? What if they blame me? What if they blame me for bringing it on myself? Which is weird because I never thought about it as how victims of real sexual assault feel as I am a man. So I didn't say anything as the daughter already didn't like me because I was the first boyfriend after her parents divorce and I could do nothing right. I avoided her and had no intention to whatever reciprocity she felt would come. She's a kid to me. Now it occurs to me, that she would have told the daughter and the daughter would have told her Mom. I had decided to break up with her because of how her daughter hated me and I didn't feel apart of the family a couple month later.



Am I in the wrong here? Should I have told my girlfriend? Did I do something wrong by keeping it to myself? The niece is the screwed up one in my point of view and I don't want to deal with crazy.

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Victim of a sexual assault? Lol, she pinched your butt.



No I don't think you need to inform your gf, or the local law enforcement.



I would keep my distance from the niece though.

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I'd be like hell yeah if that happened to me. It would boost my confidence. You obviously aren't going to do anything with the niece so enjoy a little ego boost dude. Say "I still got it".

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She may have been doing it to then blame it on your girlfriend and not meant for you to know it was her. I had a stupid girlfriend who would do that and run guys off for me. If anything like that happens again, squeal loudly right at the time it happens! HEY! WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY BUTT? As long as you keep her little secret, she will be encouraged to keep trying things. Bust her and embarrass her right when it happens in front of everybody, and she'll stop.

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I think you should have told your girlfriend, if you had any thoughts of keeping her. People generally don't appreciate whoever they're with keeping sexy little secrets of any kind with anyone else. If she found out, you'd have blown your trust with her and doesn't everybody kind of loathe someone who even starts that crap, really?

Edited by bigbaby
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