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I'd rather give than receive from my crush

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One way I know that this woman I have a crush on is real love on my end is because I feel better giving to her than receiving. My way of showing affection to her is giving her a piece of candy or offering to get a cheeseburger for her during my lunchbreaks. I make sure to offer some other coworkers these things at the same time so that it doesn't look too obvious that I am making any special trips just for her. If you offer to share food with a coworker you have a crush on but don't do it with other coworkers then your actions could be viewed with suspicion and could make your crush uncomfortable. By sharing food with some other coworkers at the same time you send a clear message to your crush that you treat them the same as other coworkers.


However when it comes to receiving from my crush? I don't. I don't receive favors or food from her no matter how hungry I am. I pretend that I'm not hungry. I'm not a big fan of exercising but yet I am willing to exercise by walking 2 miles instead of taking her up on an offer to give me a ride back to work. I do that on purpose as a way to let her know I have a crush on her without making it too obvious. I think it is important to refrain from doing certain things so that my crush stays in doubt of how I feel and what my intentions are.


Giving to her without receiving is an effective strategy.

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I've gave a LOT to one particular girl I liked very, very much back in my final year of high school (2010). We also had the same hobbies, same sense of humor and at the time, she seemed like the perfect one. There was quite a lot we had in common. Heck, we even went to the same primary/elementary school (though didn't know each other at the time).


On top of it, she was very beautiful, kind and sweet, funny and so on. Never received from her at any given point, no matter how much she insisted (aside from a few suggestions on helping with my weakest subject in school, but that's as far as it went). Unfortunately, it was all for nothing as she was pulling one big hell of a facade and having feelings for her became one of the most biggest regrets in my whole life. And it still is to this day.


Giving without receiving IMO is an effective strategy only if you have a crush on the right person and that person appreciates your presence *and* you know that person well.

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Well, it's clearly not an effective strategy because you've been talking about it for months now and she's still a crush! You haven't moved on from it, and since you don't actually want a relationship with anyone (or even sex), things will never progress.


So what exactly is the effective part of your cunning little plan?!

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