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Am I in the friend zone?

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There's this girl in my college class and we've known each other for about 7 months now. Sure, we talk in class a lot but we rarely speak to each other outside of class. (Have little chats on Facebook.)


I've only really started developing these feelings for her in the past few weeks so I'm not sure if I'm in the friend zone and therefor, I need to get out of it or I can go straight to asking her out.


The reason I ask this question is because everyone I've spoke to about being in the friend zone has said that they were always hanging out with the girl or constantly on the phone to her when they realized they were in the friend zone.


I'm not, we just speak in college which is 3 days a week.


So, does it sound like I'm in the friend zone? It's a vague question, I know, but I do't know what to do!


Thank you in advance!

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I'm going to blow your mind in a moment, and you'll probably vehemently deny the truth of it. But if you accept it, your life will change forever. It will change positively.


There is no such thing as the friend zone.


She is either interested or not. That's it. It's so simple, it's rocket science for many.


Just ask her out. Pull her to the side after class and just ask her if she would like to grab some food or whatever is cheap and relaxing. Do not do it over Facebook or text message. She won't think you are serious. If she says yes, great. You can flirt with her during the date and see if she sees you for romantic pursuit. If she says anything else that is not a "yes" or "sure", such as "I'll let you know" or "I'm busy with papers", she's not interested. Simple.

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Friendzoned people generally are 'full time,' so I think if you only talk to her infrequently, there may be hope. The better indicator is what do you talk about, and do you flirt at all? Usually you'll know if she's giving you the romance vibe, so just be honest with yourself. If she mainly just talks about her frustrations or happiness like you're a therapist and doesn't make significant eye contact (smiling eyes) and doesn't face you squarely from time to time, you're probably a friend in her eyes. That doesn't mean you can't ask her out anyway, but a lot of guys would eliminate a lot of the stress they feel over asking women out if they'd just ask themselves those few simple questions and be honest about the answers. :)

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Yeah, we flirt, keep eye contact etc...


I feel like she wants to be more than just friends when we speak in person but she isn't making any effort to message me when not in college, ya know?

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There IS a friendzone contrary to what other posters are saying... It's definition can be arbitrary at time though.



OP, you didn't really give us any information at all, so based on lack of information I would say NO you are NOT in the Friendzone (yet).


Puck up some courage and talk to her, and then ask her out sometime.

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Just ask her out and find out.


If she says no, then you were in the friendzone.


If she says yes, then you weren't and you get a date.

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I think it's hard to tell based on your recollection here, as it may be biased. You don't have much to lose so I'd just say go for it and find out! No regrets. And then you'll know for sure. The worst thing that could happen is no.. Right?

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Before you ask her out, spend some time after class a few times talking to her. Look at her with interest, you know, sparkle in your eyes. Watch her eyes!

You'll know quickly enough after doing that without having said a word about a real date. She will either respond in kind, or she won't.

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