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Wife has a shopping problem

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My wife goes shopping and buys 4-5 shirts and a pair of shoes every week(~$250). It doesn't seem like a problem until at the end of the year she has bought around 250 new shirts and has spent over $10,000. This has gone on for many years and she now has around 2,500 shirts and 400 shoes. I can't get her to cut back shopping at all. She calls me cheap and I never make any progress. We are both professionals and have good jobs, but our house is out of space. How do I get her to cut spending? Has anyone else ever dealt with anything like this? We have been happily married but I am getting fed up. If this goes to a divorce can any of her clothes, shoes, hand bags, or jewelry offset my 401K?

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HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


all that spending


take the credit card away -- or drop her limit


Dude - -she has a bad problem

give her a budget


Or show her the budget that you need to control as a family before it is too late

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If this goes to a divorce can any of her clothes, shoes, hand bags, or jewelry offset my 401K?

Probably not.


Those items depreciate immediately upon having their tags removed. So the $10,000 worth of stuff she has bought last year is probably only worth $500, maybe.


The 401k is a tangible asset and if you live in a community property state, she will get half of it.

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From a space perspective can you at least convince her to jettison the older stuff to make room?


Are you willing to make her a spread sheet & show her how much money you could have in retirement if she even cut her expenditures in half?

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