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Should I ask this friend out???????

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Hi I had a question on regarding a friend. Well I met her 3 weeks ago in class. When I saw her for the first time I had no interest in her. But when she started to tell me about her relationship I started to feel something for her. It all started that she said " Why do every guy she likes they all have kids"? And I have kids(2).


Well 2 days ago I told her that I had problems with my x about child support. And her boyfriend came up again that she feel stupid being with him because he does'nt make time for her. So today 11-3-03 She dyed her and she put make up, I was surprised by that because she never did now she does. And when I asked about her boyfriend she said "which one , I don't have I am single".


Now I want to know should I tell her what I feel about her, or forget it? What's your advice??? Chris

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I think you should simply do what feels right to you. If you are interested in her, then be honest with her, communicate openly and see where that takes you and how she feels in return. Don't rush into anything and don't do anything based only on the fact she likes kids etc, but act on your own genuine feelings. Also be aware, she may need some time to get over her last relationship properly.

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"Why do every guy she likes they all have kids"?


Why did she say or ask this to you? Isn't this question supposed to imply that she doesn't like kids? In that case, you have 2 kids of your own. She might not like that. It sounds more like a complain to me than a compliment. If she formulated the sentence like this..."I always fall for guys who have kids." ...I wouldn't see no problem with it. Next question would be, "Does that mean it's good or is it bad?"


With her question: "Why do every guy she likes they all have kids"?...her reaction might be..."Oh boy, there's another one with kids again!" You got my point?


If you want to date her, just ask her and tell her your situation. She is probably tired being put anywhere but the first place in her past relationships with single fathers. You know, when people are in love they can be very selfish. They want the other to focus 100% on them, especially when they are childless themselves. Children change your entire life, and they can't understand that unless they have a child/children of their own. So I would suggest you go up to her when you're ready and swallow your guts....lol....ask her out. If you guys hit it off...that's first base, right....you go to next base...tell her your serious intentions and tell her about your kids .... and see what her reaction is. Good luck!

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