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She makes me miserable... but I can't get over her.

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Hey all. I posted on here around a month ago about a girl I have very strong feelings for (http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t197346/), since I posted nothing has happened between us in 'that' sense, but new variables have come into play, so to speak.


I'll take last night of my most recent example. We were together out at clubs, just us. It was only us because all of our other friends had gone home and we were alone together, we went to a couple of clubs and I planned to make my move once we were inside one of the clubs. Things didn't go so smoothly though, once inside she saw one of her many male friends and chatted to him, he ended up tagging along with us, he was with us for a while and I couldn't really do much while he was there. Finally we got rid of him and I had my chance, we went to the bar to get a drink and then she started acting all weird, I asked her what was wrong and she started telling me all about how she'd liked a guy for months, and had sex with him the previous weekend, only for him to be a dick and ignore her. Basically used her. It angered me at the time, the girl I'd loved for 8 months and he just uses her, then I just began to feel like crap. She was telling me all this which told me all I need to know about how she feels about me. I'm her doormat, the guy she can tell this crap to. Honestly, she's everytihng I want and I've got no interest in any other girl. Since I met her, I've not even kissed another girl, that's how much I want her, yet she uses me for company and telling her stories to.


It's not all like that though, she flirts quite a bit and we always get on really well. She's always on my mind and I'm always thinking about how to win her over. I could just kiss her but the moment never seems to be there, and I want to make sure it's at the right moment and that I don't screw it up.


I know that I need to get over her but I just can't do it. Advice on what I should do is appreciated.

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I know it's difficult to think about but I think your odds with this woman are very, very poor. No woman who has a shred of interest in you would tell you that she had sex with someone else the weekend before. I would strongly suggest that you disappear from her life immediately. Just stop making contact. If she calls you and wants to hang out, make her work hard for it, if you do it at all. It is possible that if you do this and stay away from her for some number of months her feelings for you may change. I wouldn't count on that either though. The more important point is that it will free your emotions to find someone else who is actually interested in you and get you out of a dead-end relationship.


The thing is you can't really afford to just be friends with this woman right now, because you have too strong of feelings for her and she has none for you. It's just going to hurt you.


Every time you think to yourself that this woman is all you want, imagine the reverse scenario. Picture the most ugly and unattractive woman you know. Now imagine that she came to you and told you that you are everything she wants and she's going to do anything to win you. Not an endearing picture is it? Try to think about that and you will understand how this woman most likely feels about you. A little bit of flirting doesn't really mean much, some women just do that all the time in order to keep guys like you around for ego validation and whatever favors you may provide her.


I don’t mean to be harsh but that’s how I see it.



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