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Negative thoughts

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Hello all- I am having an issue and I have had this issue for quite sometime. I always have the most negative thoughts. They stem from every aspect of my life.


My relationship- I am quite insecure and always think my bf is going to cheat on me or is hiding things from me. I have dreams of it constantly.


I also have very morbid thoughts. When I am driving I picture scenerio's of car accidents. When I lay in bed i think of the people I love in pain or I imagine losing them. These arent thoughts I want to have, They make me very upset, sometimes to the point of tears. I have dreams of that as well.


Some nights I lay in bed and imagine what I would do if someone broke into my apartment when i was in bed or something and I was alone, or even not alone.


Is this normal at all?


I constantly feel stressed and worried. I can feel the stress in my arms at times it it is rather annoying. What is wrong with me?

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It sounds like you have obsessive thoughts. It's probably best to see someone about that because there is treatment for it. Another thing to try is to try to purposely stop those thoughts when you feel them and replace them with a good thought. You have to force yourself to do it even if it feels odd to do so. It will help to form new associations in your mind.

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it doesn't matter if it's normal. even if every other person on the planet does it, the fact is YOU find it unhelpful to your life, so it's worth trying to stop it.


ash, i'm going to talk a bit about the fact that everything is made of energy which is held in a certain form. now that form can be something we can see, like a chair or a person or a boeing 747, but there is also an energy we can't see with our eyes because it either doesn't have form (like air) or it resonates at a frequency human eyes can't detect (like infra-red).


thoughts and emotions and feelings and desires are all made of energy. it's the type humans can't see, but since everything is made of energy, we know it exists.


when a person engages in a certain type of negative thought (like anger, fear, doubt etc) repeatedly, it causes a lot of that type of energy to gather in the person's energy field which surrounds the body. some people can even affect the atmosphere of a room (for good or bad) by walking into it. those people have either a high level of positive or negative energy in their energy fields - so high other people can detect it.


have you ever met anyone who claimed they couldn't help themselves from indulging in a certain type of negative emotion? some people i know, for example, will always get angry and do damage to other people, or say something horrible if they are put in a certain situation, even if before and after the event they swore blind they didn't want to act that way.


the reason they do it is twofold.


1. thought patterns (or any other patterns) are habit-forming and as humans are creatures of habit, we tend to do and think the same things over and over again unless we make a conscious effort to change.


2. energy from negative thoughts and actions has accumulated in that person's energy field.


the reason point 2 is important is because of the scientific law that like attracts like. if the negative energy in your energy field reaches a critical mass, it will begin to attract negative energy to itself from outside, which is why bad habits are so hard to break - because not only do we have to break the habit, we have to deal with the negative energy too, ours and other people's we've attracted to us.


that energy can't just be dissolved into nothing. energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed into something else. so if you have a lot of negative energy around you, you can't just flick a switch to make it go away. you have to focus on it and transform it into something more positive. ignoring it will simply make it worse and harder to tackle further down the line.


and when a person carries a lot of negativity with them, and attracts negativity from outside, they get to a point where they feel depressed, or fatalistic, or feel they cannot change their situation for the better.


you feel stressed because the vortex of negative energy you have created is beginning to have a physical affect on you. some people feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders for a very good reason - because they are dragging around a lot of negative energy in the form of thoughts of doom and disaster and this can be detected physically and make you feel ill.


but have no fear, there is an answer and like everything else, it has to do with energy. positive energy has a high vibration. negative energy has a low vibration. if you direct something with a high vibration at something with a low vibration, the high vibration will raise the level of the low vibration. it will transform the energy.


so, the answer you seek is that alowing yourself to think negative thoughts is keeping you trapped in a cycle that encourages you to think negative thoughts. to break this cycle you must FORCE YOURSELF to think positive.


this is not as hard as it sounds. when you're lying in bed, tell yourself the door is locked, that you're perfectly safe and that you're going to have a lovely long sleep. when you think about your boyfriend, tell yourself how cute/faithful/loving he is. tell yourself you are both lucky to have found each other because you are both worthy of a great partner. when you are driving think about how many thousands of journeys you've taken when the car has kept you totally safe. think about how the car was tested rigorously to comply with safety standards and about how good a driver you are to keep to the speed limit, not take risks and give consideration to other road users.


if you can get yourself into a mindset of being GRATEFUL for the things you have, of thanking life for providing you with a home with a lockable door, with a car that's in good condition, with a boyfriend who loves you, with a healthy family, with great career prospects, whatever, and if you do this with a GREATER AMOUNT of energy and time and belief than you spend right now thinking bad thoughts, you will totally transform the negative energy and change your life in a relatively short time.


stop thinking you can't, stop thinking you're not worthy, stop thinking other people will hurt you, or die on you, or betray you. if you think those things not only will you attract to you what you focus on, but you will be a misery to be around.


you need new thoughts. it's not impossible, you have the power to think whatever you like. right now you are making bad choices because you don't know how to stop and you don't know why negative thinking is so bad for you. with this post i have removed that option from your life for ever. what you do with the information is up to you.


but if you make a determined effort to make your thoughts good ones from now on, you WILL see your life transformed for ever. you will see that you can reach wherever you want to go without dragging any negativity round with you and your life will never be the same.

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Dr. David Burns wrote a good book about retraining your thought patterns so that they are more positive and effective in your life, it is helping me immensely. It's called "Feeling Good" - if you get a chance stop by your local library and check it out. I promise that, if you do the exercises, you will notice a difference in how you perceive yourself and your awareness of negative, illogical thought patterns will increase relatively quickly.

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Thank you so much for your responses so far. When I have these thoughts (escpecially the morbid ones) i feel crazy and I dont feel i can really tell people i physically know. It is nice to have such a helpful and non-judgemental reaction.


Blue- That is great information. I am certainly going to try and replace my negative thoughts with posotive ones, as hard as it might be. I am having obsessive thoughts and I am sure that that is the energy i am giving off.


Otter, I will definately check that book out. I was seeing a therapist for a bit, I didnt like her much and now i am very reluctant to go back to one. I think I will try this book out and they once I feel ready maybe see someone if need be.


I've been this way for years. But now I am in a relationship and in love (going on 2 years in April) so i feel i have more to lose so i obsess over this crap!!!! Life is hard enough without constantly thinking of things that havent happend.

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