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the phone call...?

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So I met a guy in a cafe wednesday night who was really super sweet. He was on his way out as i was coming in, but brought his brother back (they'd been at a ballgame nearby) to meet me. We chatted for awhile, turns out he's several years younger than me. Anyway, he said he'd like to take me out sometime, i said yes but was a bit wary about the age thing, but was pretty enthusiastic in the end and gave him my number. Well, he didn't call last night (thurdsday) which i was hoping he would, so now, i ask the men out there, how long do you all wait to call a girl when you get her number. If he doesnt call by next wednesday should i call it a loss?

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There's no rule on this. Depends on the guy. Some guys never call, some guys call in a day or two, some in a week or two, some when they have an occasion to need a date, some when they find out the girl they've had their eyes on already has a boyfriend, some when they get over their venereal disease, some when they can make the number out after it goes through the washing machine, some when they can figure out whose number it is from the pile of numbers on their kitchen counter, etc.


If you don't hear from him in, say 25 years, you can probably bet the washing machine washed the number out so badly he'll never make it out.


If this guy wants to go out with you bad enough, he'll find you. Don't worry about it.


By the way, to the degree that you stop caring about this sort of thing is the degree to which you will get lots more calls from guys lots sooner. I have no idea why but the people with lots of money always win the lottery and the people who don't care whether or not they have a date always have their choice of five or six. Go figure!

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...i know people who have taken up to a month to call the other person, and had a great time together. i also know people who have called the next day, or in a few days, or a couple of weeks.


but try not to stress about it too much. everyone differs in how long they wait to call a person. this guy knows where you are, and maybe he's waiting for the right moment to take you out somewhere, or he could even be playing hard to get.


and even if he doesn't end up calling, you haven't lost anything. just think, he was attracted enough to get your phone number in the first place, but maybe there are reasons why he might not want to pursue anything. he could have even forgotten your number. it happens to be the best of us, and try not to look at it as a reflection on you if he doesn't call....you could always try calling him if you don't hear from him in the next month or so.


good luck!!!

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