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New baby in the family


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My SIL had a baby last week. my husband is very intrigued by it and has wanted to visit him daily since he was born. and at least 4 hour visits each day. this is a bit much for me, not becuase i don't like the family but we have a life too, don't need to come home from work...go visit...get back home at around 9 or 10 and then go to bed. is it because it's so new and this will wear off or has he been bit by the baby bug and is going to want one soon (wwe have talked, prob another 1-2 years when we have one...we are newlyweds)


another thing is my fam is 2 hrs away, i never get to see my nephew or family...and he's 3 now and i miss them all. i see them prob once a month due to my schedule, gas money, etc. maybe am i jealous? should i make more of an attempt to see my family? is this just new since he's a newborn and will dwindle??

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Who knows what Insight and Inspiration your groom is receiving from his new nephew? It could very well be spiritual in nature ~ seeing and appreciating the wonder and mystery of Life from the eyes of a newlywed, with the goals and dreams that go along with that.


Why not mention that you can see that it's affected him in a big, bold and beautiful way, and ask if he has any words that he can and would like to share with you about his experience? (But he may not have any words...it could just be a total 'inner body' experience that he may not have felt the need to explore further. Or it may all still be 'percolating' on a subconscious level, in which case he also won't really be able to 'share' anything at this point.)


In the same position, I probably would suggest that he visit on his own during the week, and I would just go back to whatever was the usual visiting routine before Baby's arrival.


Yes, if you feel that you are missing out on important moments and milestones in your 'own' family members' lives, then OF COURSE make plans to visit them more often.

I do understand the issues of time and money, but it might have to come down to determining and committing to what you value more and hold most significant in your heart.

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