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Do second chances work ...


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Not the ones after a week or two. Even a month or a few. Second chances, perhaps after a year or a few ... after both parties take serious time-off to evaluate the relationship (maybe life), mature, and grow as a person. I wonder if it is completely over once you couldn't work with someone. Your mind says people change, mature, grow ... and your heart wants you to believe maybe old lovers would one day care enough to give it one more try, especially with the newfound perspective of lost love. Yet, I don't know a single case where old lovers reconnected with a second chance. Do you? Does that happen or is that just a romantic tale of my imagination.

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It does happen, but probably less often as we would like to believe.

The reason behind it might be simple, people grow, on the account of someone else's feelings, pain. When you reconnect, time passes, butterflies fly away, and these black memories will always be there whether we would like it or not. Some chose to deal with it, some chose to seek a new start on a clean slate.

It is really up to you mate, sometimes the time yields families so no going back there... some move countries so it all slowly narrows the possibility.


Despite the odds, taking a risk is worth the emotional journey, after all what else will you remember the moment you are resting in your grave? The money? don't think so, it is probably your spiritual deep journey where you took risks, won or learned.

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I dont know.....i really don't...what i want to know in black and white clear as crystal after ten years......what are the odds on that..when you have never tried giving that second chance ...deb

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It can happen sometimes. But it very much depends on the circumstances and individuals concerned.


Are you asking purely for statistical research or are you hoping to have a second chance work out?


Generally if you want advice or want to know if it can work out for you, it's better to talk about your own individual case and individual facts rather than asking about aggregate statistics.


Some people win the lottery but that doesn't mean I should start spending the money already...

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It does happen, but big portion of those reconciliations fail. Once after enough time has passed,you will most likely realize that you and your ex dont really fit. All that will be left are emotions towards some good times you two spent together (or like in my situation, times when your whole life was in better state).

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Yes they can work but it takes time and both of you really have to want it.


I have been back with my man for over a year now after we broke up for 1 1/2 years after being together for 4 years.


Things are good with us and we are happy but it is definitely not the same relationship we once had. We still have our moments but this time we both want to work on us so we are closer and more open and honest then we ever were.


It takes a strong relationship to survive a breakup and then get back together. Real love needs to be at the base of it all or it wi just fall apart again.

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My father broke up with my step-mother over some pretty serious differences. For a long time they both had long-term relationships with other people over the years. After about 20 years they reconnected and got back together. They are both now really happy and content.

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