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Mixed signals from ex

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A couple of months ago I posted a thread about my ex suddenly popping up on my messenger. Considering I had previously been his only contact besides a buddy, I assumed he was inviting me to say hello. I took the bait, we had a cordial conversation, but he never got back in touch after. Needless to say I felt stupid and decided to write him off.


Now, two months later I receive and email notification that he has uploaded more than a dozen pics and videos of us to a drop box we share. They are all private moments we recorded when we were together! I sent a message back kind of joking "thanks for the photos" (to return the tease), but now he has poofed yet again!!!


I am so mad I fell for the bait again! Furious at myself! I am so done, but I must know what his intent was here. I am racking my brain trying to figure out why he did that. Any thoughts?

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Who cares why he did it? Block him. He keeps dangling the carrot and you keep jumping. You shouldn't be able to even see the carrot.

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