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What about if my ex reads my blog

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We are nc and on a break but what about if he reads my blog?


Some guides about getting ur ex back suggest to let them know what you do and that you have a great time (via facebook, profile in skype, etc)


He knows I am journaling, i do not know if it is oke if i show there my feelings in case he reads my blog. Sometimes there are positive yes, some other thoughts about the relationship, about my project I engage, etc. Nothing offensive or that should make him jealous.


Also, reading these guides to get the bf back, I am also not convinced a dumper should be made jealous...It might be the straw which breaks the camel's back, instead. What do you think?


I am ambivalent feelings about what I write in my blog/not.



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You're right to be cautious about jealousy in any form. Jealousy is all about control and buying pressure, if used incorrectly you could undue everything you've been working for. So it is best left alone or as a very last resort and unlucky you know how to use constructive jealousy.


Your ex reading your blog is actually a very positive sign. That shows that he misses you and gets comfort out of knowing what you're up to in his absence, but it will absolutely kill the chances of NC working on you're behalf. You need to disappear from your blog and all other public forms of communication he may obtain during NC so he has a chance to (1)wonder what you're up to, (2)start to miss you, and (3)make you seem more desirable because he can't have you. You see currently he has an unfair advantage reading your blog and knowing exactly how you feel at any given day. He knows you miss him and how you're hurting,assuming of course the breakup is fresh, these are simply not cards you want to display upfront.


Try complete NC from your blog for just 2-4 weeks to "work on yourself". When you come back make a post about how something happened that gave you peace of mind and how much better you feel, which won't be lies because you will have had time to work on yourself and examine the relationship with an unbiased mind. You will give him the impression to your ex that you're happy and unaffected by the breakup, but also a better person afterwards. This will completely go against what he is looking for as now you are not letting anything get to you, he holds absolutely zero power over you.

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