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y ppl dun appreciate?

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I've always wanted to know why that ppl would react in this way....as in the easier to attain something, the more you won' t treasure it, the harder to get something, you would miss or treasuer it even more. Thats the situation I'm in....


I've always have a theory, U CANT FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE HIM/HER. That is why I guess there are breakups in relationships. Only those couples whom love each other equally (rare) can have a long lasting relationship. Actually i think that love is comprised mainly of comprimising of each other.


Can u guys tell me wat u think abt that??

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1. "I've always have a theory, U CANT FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE HIM/HER. That is why I guess there are breakups in relationships."


There is no meter or mathematical calculation to measure how much any person cares vs. the other person. But, yes, usually one person does care more than the other.


That's not why there are break-ups in relationships. One stops caring at all, one finds another they care for more, one or both start taking each other for granted, one or both start cheating, one or both start showing disrespect or lack of consideration, etc. etc. Break ups are not a function of one caring more than another just as they are not a function of them coming together in the first place.


2. "Only those couples whom love each other equally (rare) can have a long lasting relationship."


Not so at all. Some people are only capable of caring so much. Again, there is no measureable way to tell which is caring just how much. Relationships where there is caring, committment, communication, shared goals, shared religious views or respect for differing views, shared interests, shared views about money management, shared views regarding children, etc., etc....those are the ones that last.


Long lasting relations are about sacrifice, about understanding, about forgiving, about compromising, etc. etc. The reason people break up is because it's very rare that you find a person who is fit in these respects to handle the rigors of marriage.


The greatest reason for break ups is unreasonable demands and expectations. Anytime you place any kind of demands on another individual, you are asking for problems.


A lot of people are imprisoned in relationships and marriages because of financial, dependence, dysfunctionality, or other crazy reasons.


Anyway, this topic is way too deep for a shortl reply here.


3. " Actually i think that love is comprised mainly of comprimising of each other."


No, not mainly, but that certainly is a very important factor...as stated above. And just how many selfish baxtards out there do you know who are willing to compromise. Go find them. The world is changing rapidly into a very "ME" place. I hope is starts going the other way around at some point.

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It's all relative!


If it's easy to get, more people have it, but less people want it.

If it's hard to get, less people have it, but more people want it.


This doesn't apply to mates! If someone thinks it does then they are fooling themselves. Personally I like someone to be interested in me, and if they play hard to get, then I won't chase. Have I in the past? Yes, but it turned out bad. Games are not for me... true feelings MUST be revealed. Communication is the key to a good relationship.


You can find someone that loves you as much as you love that person, you just have not found that person yet.


Breakups occur for many reasons, usually someone else is involved, acting as a third wheel. This other person causes the break up, by being liked by the person, or by telling the person to leave you. There are other reasons, but this is the most common.


Any couple can have a lasting relationship... it just has to do with how committed they are to it. It needs to mean something to them, for them to want to continue the relationship.


Whether you know it or not, you WILL have to compromise, as will your partner. Maybe not big things, but small things. It really won't mean anything to you if you really love them.

ex. Maybe one time they want to see a different movie than you. Would you go alone to one movie and have them goto the other on your date? I think not. There are many more things, but I think you can get the drift here.

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