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A Compulsive Lying (ex)Girlfriend

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I'm a glutton for punishment as the saying goes.


I have currently live with a girl who I dated for 2 years, we moved in when we both came to college and we've had our problems the past 2 months and I've forgiven and apologized for everything that's come between us. She recently has been talking to someone she met in the online game with both play, and I had a gut feeling about it, so I was able to see into her email (which I really didn't want to, but I couldn't shake my feeling) and found that she had been conversing with him for a while and recently it became a little intimate over the emails with nude pics and all.


I had a VERY long talk with her into the early morning hours and we decided to call it off completely finishing off with her coming clean with multiple other sexual relationships during our own relationship and finishing off with a promise to never lie.


Again, still suspicious she went on my laptop which I quickly installed a keylogger to see how it went, and she showed me most of her conversation and let me speak with this new internet love of hers and she was sad about how she hurt me, blah blah, and he was protective, blah blah, then she spoke to him for about an hour without me there, and when I came back, I asked her how it went, she told me fine, and said she explained I was the most understanding person she's ever been with and sorry it ended.


Up comes the keylogger and I find that she laughed with him about me and couldn't stand my "rant" over what a sham the relationship had become and how I would still be her friend and not dwell over this.


So we both lied, was I in the wrong?, and what should I do?, I love this girl fiercely, but I don't know why.

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Well i've done the samething to my ex. I knew the passwords and looked in his email. They weren't nude pics or antyhing that extreme. It was just little commments that bothered me. Ones that your aren't suppose to make when your with someone. Yea I was wrong for that, but he didn't tell the truth, and knew it was goin on. Had that same feeling you did. I think you had ever right to do that, but you should of asked her first. And asked her to prove it to you. And then, i would of done it. (just have to make sure she delete them :) ) It is there privacy, but as a couple, you should hide anything. And if ya'll stay to gether, you will always have the feeling of wanted to read her emails. They say once a cheater always a cheater.. i don't think its true. If she truly cares, she shouldn't mind her showing you her emails, i wouldn't, just to PROVE i didn't do anything wrong again. Stick in there, if its meant to be, then it will be.

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