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Hi LS,


I'll keep my backstory brief. I was in a 4 year RS on and off. It finally ended when I found out he had cheated and lied about it for a year. We had a great connection and spent a lot of time together. He was really depressed and I tried to help him as much as I could but I sort of lost myself in the process. He is the only guy that I have ever been 100% comfortable with. In full disclosure, I went NC to try and get him back because he was a bad habit and I wanted to put myself through hell again clearly. The first 30 days of NC were so hard and I was so angry with him.


A girl from work that I barely know came up to me today and told me how happy and how full of light I am today. After the breakup, I committed to myself that I was going to be the best version of myself that I can be. I have been taking hot yoga, salsa dancing, going to meet ups in my city, going to the gym, hanging out with my friends etc. Even though I am still struggling on the inside, I feel more at peace and less chaotic than I did even a few weeks ago.


Yes, I still miss him. But I feel the best I have felt in the last four years. And I want you to know that committing to NC saved me from myself and allowed me to be the most at peace I have been in a long time. I am working on loving myself enough to never be in a situation like that again.


I would love to hear any coping stories you guys have. Knowing that there are others going through the same thing as me at the same time keeps me strong and I feel less alone in my head.

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I'll be honest, coping is difficult...but what I have been doing to cope was forcing myself to be involved with other social groups at my school. I figured that socializing is what makes me happiest. I'm only two months in since my break up, and I do feel better. When my mom says "you look so much better today". I smile inside. I actually feel great when she does that because I think to myself that I'm actually improving and that I am living without him. I did commit myself to doing new things and making new friends and it helps.

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