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If anything I got Smarter


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I have been reading a lot of Posts from People who were cheated on. This was one of the reasons coming here, to learn and understand.


(Joey) Person who committed affair

(Ellen) Victim of affair.


Joey.. Well Frank you take care chin up.

Ellen.... He deserved it should have kept it in his pants.


Makes no difference if you were male or female and where cheated on. Reactions and how they handled it are about the same.


Makes no difference if you were male or female and committed the affair.

Reactions on they handled it are about the same.\


I seen several threads where a victim and a person who had one go at it a bit but both easing up Like a married couple having a spat. Funny thing is they both seen each others side to a degree. I thought it was so cool, it's amazing seeing my eyes open a bit more.


I admit I read a lot of Female posts that were Victims. Trust me I am not a Perv, I am just looking for answers to questions on how she might have been feeling or thinking. I see a lot of hurt from both sides here, if this was a Pot fest trust me we would all we wasted LOL...

But there is also a lot of Knowledge and warmth and compassion.


Should be a law that you have to sift though all the Marriages that have suffered. Some of these posts have me in tears. I see 20 year olds suffering as much as me and my 28 years with my loved one.

Seems whether we committed it or a victim, One thing we share is Pain.


I wonder what the Married rate would be then.

Thank You all

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