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I'm Surrendering...


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My boyfriend broke up with me 7 months ago to this day, I've been lurking this forum and I've seen people who, for years now, still aren't over their ex. I first met my boyfriend, in the kindergarten and he was my first crush, all through out elementary school. Then in high school we became good friends and started dating, then all of a sudden another girl came along and he left.

So, I'm accepting that I'm still in love with him and I probably always will be, I don't expect him to come back, but obviously, I hope he does. I know people will say it's bad, but I accepted it a couple of days ago and honestly it's so much better. I don't think about it near as much, because they're just feelings that I know are there and will always be there. I'm not trying to get rid of them. I only talk to him when contacts me first, so I don't bother him and I don't act desperate. I really do love him so much and for him, I want to be completely selfless.

Also, I'm not constantly looking for someone else, I know I can never be with anyone but him.

I'm not saying I'm going to be depressed forever, I've always believed love is a very small part of life and I will achieve my dreams and be happy with or without him.

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Aww... I really hope that whatever happens from here on out works out for the best for you, lovely. Whether you find new love, or whether he comes to see what he had in you and asks for a second chance, or whether you move on from romantic love entirely and can experience a fulfilling sort of selfless care in another form, please know that your life can still be made extraordinarily beautiful and that you are strong. You don't need to feel like you've surrendered to something. Instead, you can embrace the good things that come with the change. You very obviously have courage. The things you can do are unlimited. I wish you the best. *hugs*

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