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We are in love, but I can't forget she cheated


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Much like some of the other posts, I was with my girlfriend for almost 2 years and we were very much in love. We fought every now and then but nothing big. After she graduated from high school she started hanging out with some really bad people. She told me she wanted a break because she didn’t want to be with anyone. I found out 3 months later she was dating a guy, had sex with him and had sex with his friend.


When I met this girl she was a virgin and our sex was sacred. To think she did this is the most painful thing I have ever dealt with. I always thought she was so special and so different from everyone else. I never wanted her to have sex with anyone else and always felt like if she did, she would be tainted and our relationship would be impure. I am the kind of person that has to be her one and only, ever. Well, a few weeks ago she broke up with that guy because she told me she made the biggest mistake of her life and she wanted to be with me more than anything.


We got back together and she tells me she feels like she used to and is madly in love with me. For the most part, so do I, but when I’m not with her I always think about her having sex with her last boyfriends friend. I came to accept that she did it with her old boyfriend because they were together awhile and everything... but this other guy... well, he is horribly ugly and he is dating a girl I used to refer to as "the most worthless human being I have ever met" who treats him horribly even though she is ugly, annoying and stupid. Just the fact that he allows himself to be walked on by the girl I used to think of as the lamest person on earth drives me insane. This guy, who cannot get himself a relationship with a girl that is decent or even attractive in anyway, got MY girlfriend for a night. I also know of an equally horrible girl who he was once with, and all the guys she was with. These people are by far my least favorite out of ANYONE I have ever met. In a way I feel connected to them because of what my girlfriend did. I can’t understand why she would do that (she says she doesn’t know) and every time I see the guys girlfriend the back of my neck burns and I cant think about anything else.


I love my girlfriend to death and want to spend the rest of my life with her. She feels the same way, but I cannot get this out of my head for any long period of time. When I am with her I’m fine for the most part and I’m always focused on my love for her, but this always comes back sometime. I love her so much, I know she made a mistake and id come to accept most of it, but this one thing drives me crazy. I NEED to get over it, but I don’t know how or where to start. I'm not worried about her doing it again either, it’s just that one guy, the girls he has been with and the guys they have been with. I’ve tried dealing with this on my own for 3 weeks and it’s not working. If anyone has any advice, I’d love to hear it. Thank you for reading.

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In a sense you'll be connected to these people for about 5 years,I've heard this at a JR HIGH sexual class recently that I had to go for my kid.(thats if they didn't use protection).Other wise forget it and even if she didn't use protection FORGET IT.(Just make sure you both get tested)

Shes with you now and she was not with you then.

Its in the past if you think about the past you'll never move forward.

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Actually, at the time of her having sex with him, she had just got back together with me (i didn't know she had even been seeing anyone) and cheated on him with me. I left a lot out in order not to complicate things, but thanks, the looking at the past comment helps.


Also: trigun is great

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Three weeks?


Give it another month. If you can't get over it, move on, 'cuz it'll never go away at that point. Just try to deal with it. Try not to think about it much.


When you think of it, think of something you love about her right after.

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Oh dude, it's gonna be hard, don't think otherwise. You'd be surprised how many people here have gone through the same thing. I went through it when I first got with my girlfriend, I was disgusted and really disillusioned by what she revealed and I was SO damn distraught over it.


Funny thing, when we finally talked about it and she heard how bothered I was by it, that's when she knew she loved me.

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you replied to me thread...now its my turn =).


My ex gf and i broke up in January....about a week later she was talking to this guy already...and eventually something really bad happened...it devasted me....but i stayed by her side and she saw that ...and we got back together....back in love and everything...now...that thing that happened...i thought i would never be over it....seriously i was afraid for the relationshipi because i knew that if i didnt get over it..and that if it was in the back of my mind forever it would totally ruin the relationship somewhere down the road....but i truly loved this girl....the feeling bothered me for months...i would have thoughts about it all the time...but finally one day it just went away...thats when i knew i really loved her...I was able to get over that fact..and not let something of the past affect how the relationship of the present and future...so i think if you really want to be with this girl..and want to be happy....you'll get over it...maybe you might need to talk to her about it...


for me it was a really touching subject that was hard for her to talk about...and for me to bring up...but sometimes we had to talk about it....and during those times she got very upset...she knew that i wasnt over it..and that it wasnt going to work out ...but i asked her to trust me and to stay with me and help me and i'd get over it...and i did....


well...everything WAS going along great...but she broke up with me 3 months ago....it doesnt have anything to do with the incident though....so you got hope...if you really wanna make the relationship work....you'll get over it

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