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the highschool heartbreak


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on and off 4 years with the same girl. i still have an atraction to her. not sexual but in heart. i loved her, bought her things, visited her. and yet as time went by she slowly coroded and became whoreish.


i have heard rumors of her cheating on me with skaters. not the cool ones ether but the depraved date raping kind. and i had known she was cheating on me with women she said she would stop but she kept lieing.


somehow we always wound up leaving each other and going back. i never understood any of it.


now me and her have been seperated for a few months now. shes been trying to make me jelous with her new boyfreind. her new boyfreind is in speacial education classes at the highschools thinks the philipines is by mexico. one of those imature people who are eager to make very imatureand childish jokes and is the kind of kid you worry about bringing a gun to school due to all the threats. o and he's a wuss too.


she treated me like **** while we dated. always called and said she was gonna come over then never showed said she would alwasy love me and never leave yet shes always making the threat she would be gone if i didnt go to her bull**** church things. she never went to church to have anything to do with god and thats where she suposibly cheated with the depraved skaters. at church. and at church camp


i dont know why but i feel some kind of attachment to her. baybe its because of the 4 years i wasted with her. i just want to severe the bond


a little help


and for the past few months i been whoreing around like a madman to cope with this. not working as i wanted it too.

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