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Anyone been left for someone else?

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You've made 4 different posts about the same exact thing. What are you hoping to hear? It doesn't matter what anyone else has experienced because they are not you and only you can control how long it will take.


If one person says "took me 6 months" and another says "took me 6 years" then what do you get out of that? You need to stop harping on this and just realize it's over so start actively looking for other things to occupy your time with.

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dude try your best to change your thought process , she has gone and isnt coming back , shes with another guy , so you should find someone too ,


you have two choices ,spend a year wallowing and being depressed of really pull yourself togtehr and try to accept your situation and relise you two just wernt right for eachother because if you were you wouldnt be broken up


i was with a girl in a ldr for a bit and she left me for a guy she lived with at university , that was two years ago and they are still togetehr it broke my heart and took me 6 months to recover


my recent ex left me because she wasnt over her ex , are they back together ? i dont know and i dont care , by woking hard to move on , accept my situation , meet other people , ive done alot of writing in a diary about how i feel and how i preogress day to day and just worked hard to be posative.


i can honestly say that in just 5 weeks of doing that im so much better and nearly inddifenet about her , i certinaly dont want her back


it took me i would say 4 months to get this far after my first ex left me for another guy because all i did was check her snap chat and social media , i wallowed and thought about her all the time and made no effort to move on , and all i did was prolong my pain



total no contact and active , postaive effort will get you there so much faster , its all up to you how you go about it

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Has anyone been left for someone else before?



How bad was it? And how long did it take you to really move on?

I have been left for someone else, take it easy, it is not as bad as it seems it is....it has been 3 weeks here on my side, I see these nightmares every night I go to bed, but it is fine... be like a wolf, we have been hit by a toxic arrow but we should not moan....if you moan your boost their ego...time will heal the wound, and makes you a stronger, better person...chances are they will come back, and only then you can show how fierce a wolf is...for the time being, it's over we have to heal without moaning...

Good luck

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It was pretty bad mai9nly because i had children as well..five to be exact......i felt really....ugly.....not good enough...not even having a family could change his mind.....i felt it was because of me......even though sexually we were highly compatible......we didnt stop making love until he made his choice..........but i felt like a failure...as a woman....as a mother who couldnt keep the dad in the home...in every way......


but now



i know it wasnt my fault.....it would have happened anyway there was nothing i could have done differently or fixed or prepared or repaired to save my fifteen year relationship and i would have fought my ass off if i had felt there was a chance.........but i was tired of chances and had fought for too long and i knew it was over......i let him go,..


what i would say to anyone in a similar position...is it always takes two people who truly love each other to keep a relationship going...when one partner checks out...there's no saving a one sided relationship with one invested partner...no matter how invested that person is....it takes two people willing to work their butts off........to not become complacent and to invest as much time and energy that is possible to invest...over work...over everyone....over everything....its not possible to do it one handed one minded and out of sync........and when a partner is with someone else...his or her time and effort ...is always.....just not there to be had.....


sometimes...some relationships have to end......its good and much more peaceful.....when you realize that...and you just let go...it took me years to move on ...but thats me......not everyone recovers slowly...i do....with others its shorter ...depends entirely on the individual...............deb

Edited by todreaminblue
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I got left for an ex. Pains like hell. It wiould have been easier I believe if she left me for someone new.This happened 2 months ago, I found myself the first month espacially very bitter and wishing bad on both them. As I havent been that active in moving on and I keep rehashing things over and over I feel like Im getting worse.

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I have been left for someone in the past. He didn't tell me straight out that someone else was in the picture, but I had a suspicion since it was an 'out of the blue' breakup. My fears were confirmed when I saw some posts on facebook after a few weeks.


At the time I felt immense pain. I think I cried every day for at least a month straight. But after about 3-4 months, I came to realize that I don't want to be with someone who is so fickle about their feelings - one min saying they are SOOO in love with me, the next leaving me for someone else. Also the way he handled it, by not being up front, really showed me his true character. Who knows, maybe he left her too for the next best thing? I don't know because now I don't care.


We all deserve stability and consistency and someone who won't change their mind on us. Stay confident in who you are and what you believe in. Focus your efforts on healing and moving on. Just because someone didn't see your worth, does NOT mean you are unworthy!

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I was more than a decade ago. It happened after when that girl got in some kind of psychotic episode that I witnessed. She was certain that some people were following us, she freaked out. I remember bringing her home that I had to pretend hiding with her on the way: she saw certain things that really weren't there. The next day she cheated on me at a school reunion and a view days later she wanted a break. I never got reasons, but found out myself. Just a few days before she had been talking about rings to celebrate our relation. I was in a pretty bad state. Even worse was that I tried to tell her best friends about the episode as I was worried sick, but they did not believe me.

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