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When does it get less heavy?

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Have been "NC" with the EX for about a month now, meaning that I don't keep in touch or respond to any breadcrumbs he throws my way.


However, I have still been holding on by looking at this social media. I saw so many pictures of him being out, travelling, happy as hell (at least that's how it seems to me :mad:), basically riding off into the sunset after all the pain he caused me this year. Maybe part of it was that I stayed in contact so he didn't feel so guilty. Who knows.


I had a long talk with myself after feeling SO STUCK on him despite all the hurt and him obviously moving on. I decided to unfollow him on all social media and not to look. I haven't blocked him, but I have not taken a single peek in 4 days.


4 days... sounds silly as I write it here but it feels like a lifetime!! I still feel the itch to just take a little peek here and there, but I know it only causes me to be angry. When will things start to feel less heavy? I feel lame for holding on for so long and not taking steps to move forward. I think I've caused myself to stay stuck :/

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Hey dear,



The feeling starts to get less heavy when you continue doing what you're doing, which is not looking at any social media. The less you know, the better. You see if you are continuously checking his social media accounts you are only hurting yourself more.. he's not hurting you, you are hurting yourself.



So the best advice I can give you is to continue NC (which includes not snooping around social media) and focus on YOU rather on what he feels, does, looks etc.



Time helps.. believe me, but I would say 70% is on time, and the remaining 30% is your efforts.



Hope it gets better soon! :)

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4 days does not sound silly at all. Last time I had contact with my ex was about 2 weeks ago we had a massive argument. This was about 2 months after we broke up. Im only on Day 2 of not looking at her social media. Now that sounds tiny. The more I dont look the more I actually think about her its driving me nuts, but I refuse to look I dont want to start from day 0.

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