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Dumpees and Dumpers (The Good & The Bad)

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thought I would share.. Which one are you? :D



Good Dumpers

"The good dumper is a person who has tried to work on the love relationship in order to make it last. A good dumper was willing to make changes, invest emotionally in trying to change, and go for counseling if appropriate. But finally the dumper realized that the relationship was destructive to both people, and that it is better to end an unhealthy relationship than to continue to destroy each other. This person has the courage and strength to end the relationship, and it often takes a great deal of courage and strength."



Bad Dumpers

"Bad dumpers are very similar to runaway kids. They believe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, and all that is needed for happiness is to get out of the relationship. There is often another love relationship waiting in the wings. The bad dumper avoids dealing with feelings and avoids looking inside at attitudes that might need to be changed. Bad dumpers often leave quickly without even a "goodbye" conversation or explanation of their intent to end the partnership."



Good Dumpees

"Good dumpees are open, honest, willing to work on the relationship, and willing to go for counseling if appropriate. They seldom have had an affair, and have likely worked hard on communicating. They are not "innocent victims" in the sense that they too have done things to hurt the relationship. They are basically at the wrong time and place when the internal explosion and the need to be out of the relationship take place in the dumper."



Bad Dumpees

"Bad dumpees are people who want out of the relationship but do not have the courage and strength to be a dumper. They make it miserable for the other person who then is forced into being the dumper. They cheat started not caring about anything etc."

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Ther are so many factors that go into a relationship and a decision to stay or leave that it is naive to try to categorize things like this.


I do believe there are certain actions post BU such as maitaining NC that could be categorized like good or bad. But that is about it.

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