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a completely bad boyfriend- should try to make it work or Break it up?...

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I met Brett when I was going out with my ex Matt, and at that time I was very content with him. He treated like a


princess and really spoiled me by not only calling frequently but taking me out to the niciest places. I really enjoyed


our relationship which was brand-new, although we had known each other every since little. But Chris came along


and turned everything upside down. I didn't want to ruin things between me and Matt but what Brett made me feel


spoke louder. He came over and that was it, I didn't need another date to make up my mind about him, we clicked


perfectly. There was also a strong chemistry between us, thing I didn't have with Matt. So I broke up with Matt and


started going out with Brett. (We only dated a week before making it oficial). But both me and Brett have never had


a lasting relationship before so we had a hard time in the begining. Chris wouldn't call me too often and never took


me out , we only hanged out at either my house or his. And even though I went to his house many times he never


introduced me to his family which made me feel a little uncomfortable since I saw them all the time .He always had to have some friends around and frequently


went out with them after leaving me home. Matt even called me a few times and told me he saw my boyfriend every


party he went to.I don't know why he would never invite me to go with him. BUt whatever I went out too. It felt


more like anything else but a relationship. well,the weirdest thing was a


few days before he left for vaccation he


completely dissapeared on me. He didn't answer his phone and never returned my messages. I got a little worried.


So he asked a friend of his to tell me he got real busy and had to go without speaking to me. Then, he kept calling


his friend from where he is and asking him to tell me little messages instead of calling me himself. I am very upsad


that he is letting someone between us. and recently his friend told me that Brett asked him to tell me that he is very


confused about me and he is not sure what will be of us when he gets back. I don't know what went wrong and


why he is such a bad boyfriend. It is getting on my nerves. I've done everything to make it work. I've gone to visit


him at work when I couldn't get a hold of him, I've gone to visit him when he got sick, I've tried talking but he always


things are fine when they are not, I've been friends with his friends, I've given him time to be with his friends. I don't


know why now he is confused, if anything I should be the one confused about him. I want things to work out


because I believe in us but I don't know how. And why in the world is he confused about me? I mean that doesn't


make sense he is supposed to be enjoying his time with his family and not getting confused about me because we


have even been seen each other.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How long have you been with Brett now? Is everything still new? Relationships can be confusing but things always work out. I would just talk with him when he gets back. Maybe he is scared he is falling quickly for you and is putting up a brick wall. Only Brett knows what's up. Good luck hun!

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