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i feel terrible!!

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we havent really broke up and she said she doesnt think we will..but she is not sure if she loves me anymore..we've been together for 2 years i've been unfaithfull the first couple of months which she is aware of and we have been throught that..but now i told her about some msn chatting which i was joking around with some girls..nothing physical but not something she really liked..and she told me what said above that we're not gonna break up probably..but she isnt sure of what she feels about me..i know i am a piece of sh** but i know i love her and did a hell of a lot of things for her the last year..and i mean a lot..dont know what to do..nothing really seems to matter anymore.. i just called her and said i love you and i cant live without you and she said me2..but what i said above..pfff am desperate! i cant take this anymore..i feel like throwing up..havent eaten all day yesterday and today too..my stomach hurts..i feel a huuuge weight on my chest..i just need something to make me feel that everything is gonna be ok..i know i may not be making any sence at all..am 20 ..i know am young..but i dont really wanna do anything without her..she knows i care..believe me she does! i really love her ,.i really do!!

help pls!!

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Your just going to have to give it time. Sadly, a break might be in order for her to clear her mind. I can relate to this situation because my current gf had these same thoughts a few months ago. Let her have some space and dont seem desperate. I made that mistake of begging and it just turns them off.

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You'd be surprised what space and time can accomplish. The best strategy for a man is to always agree to not seeing each other and then just go total MIA (NC).


If there is another guy in the picture, eventually he will start messing up or the honeymoon period will end and then problems will ensue. If you don't keep contacting her she will start thinking about you almost automatically.


If she just needs "space", then agree with it and live your life as you normally would. She'll be back. They almost always do...(if you were good to her).

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Hey Rock_On,


Know what? You're in limbo with your GF and that's no way to live. Your situation is filled with dysfunction, and anyone in your shoes would feel like crap right now.


So you need to get out of limbo.


Know what else? You just don't sound like you have the maturity for a mature relationship. You're 20 years old, and you're one of these guys who seems to want the "security" of a GF, but not the responsibility that goes with it. See what I mean?


You can't play games, cheat, chat online with other girls and make light of it if you're supposed to be in a relationship. That behavior does NOT cut it.


She isn't sure she loves you? That means she doesn't. People are sure when they're in love, okay? You've been unfaithful. You chat online with other girls. She's getting ready to end it. She feels attached to you because you've been together for 2 years, but you're both young, and she is probably ready to get out there -- and already might have met a guy she wants to date, sorry to say that, but it happens.


Your best bet is to take yourself out of limbo and stop contacting her immediately. Just tell her you want a break, and stand by it. Go NC right away, stand on your own two feet and give her space.


we havent really broke up and she said she doesnt think we will..but she is not sure if she loves me anymore..we've been together for 2 years i've been unfaithfull the first couple of months which she is aware of and we have been throught that..but now i told her about some msn chatting which i was joking around with some girls..nothing physical but not something she really liked..and she told me what said above that we're not gonna break up probably..but she isnt sure of what she feels about me..i know i am a piece of sh** but i know i love her and did a hell of a lot of things for her the last year..and i mean a lot..dont know what to do..nothing really seems to matter anymore.. i just called her and said i love you and i cant live without you and she said me2..but what i said above..pfff am desperate! i cant take this anymore..i feel like throwing up..havent eaten all day yesterday and today too..my stomach hurts..i feel a huuuge weight on my chest..i just need something to make me feel that everything is gonna be ok..i know i may not be making any sence at all..am 20 ..i know am young..but i dont really wanna do anything without her..she knows i care..believe me she does! i really love her ,.i really do!!

help pls!!

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