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2 1/2 year of bliss and the POOF... she disappeared

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Okay, the 2 1/2 years with my girlfriend(?) were not all bliss, but up till the last 20 minutes we were together if was the best relationship I had ever had. I keep asking myself, what happened? We both have our pet peeves. Mine is someone trying to control me by threats and ultimatums. Hers is a trust issue. She does not like it when I dont totally disclose my thought or feelings on something. My problem with that is I never want to be brutally honest or hurt her feelings. We have had disputes before, but nothing like this.


What went down was that we were watching a relationship program on TV on Saturday morning which talked about two vital things needed in a relationship are love and respect. After hearing this I told her how much I loved her and respected her. She then asked me if I felt the same from her. I had thought about this for awile and I thought it was time to clear the air. I told her that I knew she loved me, but sometimes I did not think she respected me. At first she joked with me and said sarcastically, "Yes, you have found me out, I do not respect you, are you going to leave me?"


Then two minutes later she got very angry and asked how can you love someone who does not respect you? We talked it over for half an hour and I could not remember precise moments of disrespect, just things here and there which she explained as me catching her sleepy or crabby. She said if you catch me disrepecting you tell me and we will talk about it. Problem solved. Had a great and loving day with her Saturday after clearing the air.


On Sunday I ran my errands and that evening as our routine I came over to her house with a card to tell her how much I loved her. She read the card and laughed as it was very funny. Then she asked me how long I had felt she had disrepected me.:confused: In my mind I was like, I thought this was over...cant we get past this? I said, "I dont know, maybe a couple of months." She then stopped eating and talking to me. Then she went upstairs to do the wash. Came back down 5 minutes later and told me she was angry with me and that she did not like me withholding thing like that from her and I needed to get out of her house.


My mouth dropped. She had NEVER thrown me out of her house in the 2 1/2 years together. I asked her to calm down and talk this over and she was like "No, you need to leave." I got angry at that point as she would not even discuss it. I packed my things and then in a moment of not thinking I put my copy of the key to her house on the table. As I go out the door, she opens it and shove my personal stuff that was left in my face and closes the door.


I could not believe what happened. I got thrown out of the house in an argument... well really she was the one mad. I was baffled. I dont even remember driving home. I gave her 5 days to cool down. I called and left her a voice mail asking to talk it out. No response. Next day I sent a how are you doing text. No response. Next day I call her home and cell and she would not pick up my call. That evening I sent her an apology e-mail...... you guessed it, no response.


I decided then that if she was not going to talk to me, I was not going to chase her down. The next move was her move. 2 weeks later talking to my friend at a club (who were shocked she was not there) they suggested I send her flowers to smooth things over. After I sent them I soon regretted it. Still no response. I knew she got stubborn when angry, but this is ridiculous. I still dont think I caused the entire problem. I refuse to beg or call her anymore. Now its 4 1/2 weeks post getting tossed like Sunday Night Trash, and still NC from her. I felt so heartbroken and used. She was the love of my life.


Any suggestions on what I should do?


Am I wasting my time pining for a woman who, if she has broken up with me cant even give me the decency of a phone call, e-mail, or a text message?

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